Google Tips Box

Saturday, 2 July 2011

Google+ Project: Introduction

GMail New Interface preview

Google continues it's design revenge.
The newest part of this is the new Gmail interface. Here is it:

New interface! (Click to enlarge)

You can test this design by clicking the button -> Mail Settings -> Themes -> Preview (Dense).

I think it's a pretty new design, that has never been seen before. I like it ;).
The first thing I spotted (technically) that when I scroll down the page the "archive" "spam" "delete" "important" "not important"... bar comes with the page. It's quite useful, because you don't have to scroll up to "take action" with the message.

Overall there are only changes in the colors and shapes.

Friday, 1 July 2011

Google calendar: New look!

Google has updated it's calendar service.

Here is the new look:

New interface! (Click to enlarge)

Old interface! (Click to enlarge)

Basically there are no big changes in the layout, they just made a more refreshing template. The "Print" and and the "Refresh" buttons got larger.
Also the "Create" button got a dropdown menu. There are no changes in the calendar box.
Overall the page has less blue in it and the buttons look better. That's all.